Saturday, September 19, 2015

Summer Travel Memories

I always love the easy going, chill vibe of summer. Everyone is ready to relax and have a good time. But nothing inspires me and makes me feel more content than the crisp air of fall in New York. I just can't wait!! With Fall just a couple of days away, I thought I'd share with you a bit of my summer adventures.

The start of summer was just amazing. I got engaged in the most unexpected way with the love of my life on my favorite New York City Bridge, the Brooklyn Bridge. Although it was raining and cold for a June day it was perfect. That overall set the tone of my summer to one of happiness and positivity. Many changes are underway in my life and I am more than ready for them. Read more about my engagement story here Check out my engagement video here:

Aside from all the love and support from family and friends that we received, I always like to squeeze in some time to either explore the city or go on traveling adventures.This summer, I didn't have a vacation planned so we took a few road trips.

First stop was Upstate, NY.
It's become a tradition for us to get away from the city during the first weekend of summer. We rent out a house upstate and enjoy the peace and quiet of the country side. The views of the mountains are breathtaking and nothing clears your mind quite like it.

Catskills, NY
This picture was taken by @Miss_NYCity

Next stop was Maryland.
My cousin was getting married so we spent the weekend there. Thanks to GoogleMaps, I was able to search for Washington, D.C. and it was only a half hour from where we were staying so we stopped there for the day. Washington, D.C. reminded me a lot of lower Manhattan but much bigger. All the historic buildings were gorgeous. Everything was within walking distance so you start one place and end up walking to the next place and it's just never ending walking. So if you are planning your trip there make sure you bring your sneakers or comfortable walking shoes. Our plan was just to see the White House and we ended up going to the Washington and Lincoln monument. Below are a few pictures.

                              The White House                          Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool                           Lincoln Memorial

                                                 Pictures taken by @Miss_NYCity

                                         Lincoln Memorial               Washington Monument & Lincoln Reflecting Pool
                                                  Pictures taken by @Miss_NYCity

Next stop was Pennsylvania.
I've been to several parts of Pennsylvania in the past but I've always wanted to go hiking. ALWAYS. I love nature and being in the outdoors and having looked on Pinterest I saw the beautiful sights of the Delaware Water Gap and it just motivated me to go and try it. My fiance and I decided we'd get a little mini NYC getaway. Ironically the Delaware Water Gap, is actually NOT in Delaware. It's part of the Delaware River that separates New Jersey and Pennsylvania so you can choose which side you'd like to see. We stayed on the side of Pennsylvania.

First, I'd like to say we weren't really prepared for the hike we were about to go on. I knew there'd be a lot of walking so I wore light sweats, sneakers, and a tank top. I figured we'd have a tour guide and that there would be different kinds of trails to go on. Obviously we would choose the easier one since we are new to this. I was prepared with water and the insect repellent spray for the woods. But nope, it was nothing like I thought. It was just my fiance and I in the woods. We were literally all alone. Nobody around but trees, bugs, and birds. You heard nothing but the cracking of twigs, the leaves and rocks beneath your shoes as you walked and the quiet of nature. As city people, we looked so out of place! LOL We had a map but had no real idea where we were going. Luckily we bumped into a few people who were familiar with the location and helped us out. There were marks on the trees that we had to follow in order to come and go. It was absolutely exhilarating, creepy, tiring, and fun! It was one of the best experiences I've had in a while. We hiked so high, I'm still shocked about it. The view with the fresh air was the best reward. This was the view from above.

Delaware Water Gap- Pennsylvania
Picture taken by @Miss_NYCity

I think taking breaks from life, going on vacation, traveling, or sightseeing in your own town is so important. It refreshes you, reminds you why you work so hard and often times makes you ready to work even harder. I love traveling, exploring, and trying new things. It opens your mind and makes you see things from a different perspective. Some people say "oh i don't have time or money to go on vacation." I don't want to hear those excuses! If you can sit in front of your tv for hours, or spend countless hours of your day on social media you can make time to travel. As far as money goes, I understand traveling can be expensive but road trips can be cheaper if you have a car. If you don't hop on a train! One day trips don't cost much and I assure you you wont regret it.

I'll leave you with this quote by Mark Twain:

Love and safe travels,
Miss_NYCity xoxo

Follow me on Twitter @Miss_NYCity and don't forget to like this post or subscribe to my blog!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sharing with you my Brooklyn Roots

It's not always easy to live in the present.

So often, we get caught up in the moments of the past, the worries of the future and forget that we are in the now. When we look back at the good and bad memories, that's really all they are...MEMORIES. We can't take them back, relive them, or rewind time. All we can do is remember.

Recently, I took a drive to Brooklyn to stop at a cafe that I used to go to when I was in college. I love reminiscing and looking back on life. Typically, I realize that all the worries of the past and all the stresses of the moment were really so minuscule I can hardly even remember them.

On my way to the cafe, I decided to drive by my old neighborhood where I grew up. I lived in Bushwick, Brooklyn for a small portion of my life. However, that small portion did really shape my personality and give me the drive and sass that I have today. It was a predominantly Puerto Rican neighborhood. You'd see the sneakers hanging off the electric wires as well as Puerto Rican flags. In the summer it was too hot to be in the apartment so everyone chilled outside on their stoop. My sister and I would make paper kites and try to fly them out of our gated windows. In the winter, we'd go out and make snow angels on the sidewalk since we had no backyard or front yard. We'd shop on the avenue for anything from clothes, shoes, to groceries. I'll always remember going there with my mother to get curtains for the house or little things she needed. Some people feel a sense of shame when they look back at how they lived and where they came from. Not me. I feel blessed to have come from that neighborhood and to have had the experiences I've had. Being an adult now, I appreciate the luxuries I have and feel humbled to see how hard my parents worked to give us a better life. When we moved out of Brooklyn to Queens, we lived in a better neighborhood but I will never forget my roots. And even now when I visit at my age, I can walk around there and feel like I'm home.

All pictures posted are property of @Miss_NYCity

Growing up in Bushwick was not always the best or easiest. There were people who did drugs, people who were up to no good (our house got robbed), and it wasn't the cleanest. You had to walk with an attitude to be respected and  speaking up for yourself was common. That's where I learned to be strong and not allow anyone or anything get in my way..and I didn't. I can't express to you how these life skills helped me get through so many other areas and challenges in my life.

All pictures posted are property of @Miss_NYCity

When I arrived at my old neighborhood, I couldn't believe how it's beginning to change. It's still recognizable but here and there you will notice cafes, little restaurants with outdoor seating, and renovated apartment complexes. On the windows of the house I lived in was a sign that read "NO BUY OUTS." The neighborhood is changing before everyone's eyes and yet some people are still so caught up on their past, their futures, that I'm not sure they realize what is happening. A part of me is excited for the changes of New York, the neighborhoods are cleaner and it's much more of a modern city. However, more parts of me are sad that my roots will soon just be just a memory.

The Brooklyn that I knew and grew up is changing so fast. I often wonder what it would be like for this new generation growing up in the city. It hardly looks the same and soon possibly, it won't feel the same. It won't feel like the home I knew and grew up. So in honor of that I decided to take a few pictures of my old neighborhood so that I can always look back on when I feel down, when I feel stressed, or when I just want to reminisce about my childhood Brooklyn days. The fact is, time stops for no one so always seize the day, make the best of your moments and take advantage of what's in front of you when it's in front of you because you just never know if it will be there tomorrow, in a few days or a few years!

With Love,
Miss_NYCity xoxo