Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year!

It's the New Year and everyone has rounded up a bunch of resolutions, goals, and accomplishments. It's time for a fresh start!

As a person born with a goal list, I thrive off of accomplishments! It's engraved in my personality, it's part of who I am. I have always looked towards the future, imagined where I'd want to be, and worked on getting there. I am really, really good at this. Since I was young, I remember saying I am going to graduate college, make good money and live comfortably. Here I am with two degrees, a good job, a nice car, living pretty well. So I'd like to share with you my best tips on sticking to your goals/resolutions not just around this time of year but always!

1. Think about where you want to see yourself in 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, or 2 years. Write down exactly what you want to see changed and what you will do to get there. The timing is up to you. Every person is different. Some people need short time frames because they live more in the moment, while others (like myself) need longer time frames because we live more in the future. Treat this list like a promise to yourself for positive change.

2. Put your list in a place that won't get lost this way you can frequently check back and see how far you've come. A lot of people say they are going to do things but then forget what they say and then don't do it. That's why it's important to write it down. It serves as a reminder of what you promised yourself. Also when you check back to see what you've accomplished it's a bigger motivation. It's amazing to feel proud of yourself!

3. Your list CAN change! Sometimes we write down a list of 10 things we are going to do and then we realize it's too much. The fact is that we are human. It's impossible to be perfect and sometimes it's just easier to take baby steps. So if one of your goals is to go back to school, maybe instead of saying "I will enroll in school by next semester" you can say " I will visit 3 colleges/universities, get information about their programs by March." Small steps lead to completing the goal so just because you don't do the whole thing doesn't mean you aren't in the right direction.

4. Pay no attention to haters. No seriously, I know the word "haters" has become overkill through the years. People who don't have haters say they do and people who do say they don't care but they do. Whatever, the fact is SOME people do not want to see you doing better for yourself. Which is why I personally like to keep my goals to myself. If it's a promise you are making to yourself you really don't need to explain them to anyone else. But if you are the type of person that likes to share your ideas with others and they try to shoot you down, simply ignore and then never tell them any of your goals again. Rather than getting upset and telling them, use that energy to fuel yourself to prove them wrong. It works every time. Then later you can remind them how they didn't support you. BOOM!

5. Last but not least, STAY POSITIVE! There are always bumps in the road. There are always things that go wrong. There is always something that's going to come up. But really don't let that disappoint you or stop you from doing what you are going to do. Change for the better is difficult and it is a really positive thing. Don't let the little things get you down. Stay focused and you will be fine. Tune all the negativity out. It just makes room for more positive vibes.

Happy New Year!!
