Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Shop NYC

New York City.
The Fashion Capital.
Also Known for NYC Fashion Week.

NYC is definitely known for fashion. Whether you're into the high end or the low end you can find it here. Oddly enough we aren't really big on malls. Of course we have them (at least 2 in each borough) but if you're looking to be unique and stylish you won't find it at the mall where everyone else can find it.

So where do we shop?

Avenues! Streets! Boutiques!

I definitely like to keep up with the fashion styles but I'm also not going to act like I'm Miss. Fashionista or some exclusive stylist. I just like to look trendy and in style. With the holidays just around the corner people are beginning to shop or think about shopping. Around this time of year, I start doing my Xmas shopping- mostly for others but I'm not gonna lie I include myself in the mix if I find something cute!!

So here are some places to shop if you are in Brooklyn, Queens, or Manhattan.

If you're in Manhattan:

Malls include:
The Manhattan Mall on W 33rd Street and Columbus Circle (AKA Time Warner Center)

Street Shopping:
Madison Ave (High End Shops)
7th Ave AKA Fashion Ave (Trendy with some mall stores)
Soho (Trendy & High End)
China Town (Bargain Shopping)
Delancey Street (Bargain Shopping)

If you're in Queens:

Malls include:
Queens Center Mall and Shops at Atlas Park

Street Shopping:
Steinway Street (Trendy with some mall stores)
Myrtle Ave (Trendy with some mall stores)
Main Street (Bargain Shopping)
Austin Street (Trendy & High End)

If you're in Brooklyn:

Malls include:
Kings Plaza Mall and Gateway Center

Street Shopping:
Graham Avenue (Bargain Shopping, some mall stores, some trendy)
Knickerbocker Avenue (Bargain Shopping, some mall stores, some trendy)
Fulton Street (Bargain Shopping, some mall stores, some trendy)
Williamsburg (Trendy & Bargain Shopping)
Court Street (Trendy & High End)

So put on some comfy shoes because it's going to be a lot of walking. Grab a cup of coffee or anything warm and shop til you drop! Happy Shopping!


Sunday, November 3, 2013

A NYC Bite: Are you hungry?

Hi!! Happy November!!!

Okay, so aside from family time and prepping for the holidays during this time of the year... nothing to me is more important than food! I LOVE TO EAT! It is a part of my culture but let's all be real it's part of the American culture. Why else would our #1 New Year's Resolution be to "lose weight." Okay so yes, I live in NYC and we are very much known for our food. When I meet with friends or go out for drinks we usually spend our time eating. So here are my top "MUST EAT" food list if you are visiting, traveling, or moving here.


1. NY PIZZA: Yeah Okay seriously, I am a HUGE fan of Italian food and there are so many delicious Italian restaurants and food to choose from. But really nothing beats a slice of pizza in NYC. Everyone knows this is the truth. It may be our water, it may be our ovens who knows but we have the best pizza ever!! I salute Brooklyn for their brick oven pizza. My favorite spot is Grimaldi's which people literally wait on line for.... it's THAT good. As for regular pizza, my all time favorite would be Angelo's pizza in Corona, Queens.

2. "Dirty Water Dog" AKA Hot Dog: Seriously, we don't care that it might have been sitting there all morning in hot water. We don't care where it came from as long as it says "Sabrett" we don't give a crap! It is the best hot dog you will ever have and you can find them anywhere in NYC. If the stands aren't your thing try Gray Papaya's in the village (Greenwich Village). Enjoy!

3. DELI Coffee: Any New Yorker can point to a deli near their house or near their job that has the best coffee. Yeah there is always Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, and 7Eleven but seriously ask any New Yorker where you can buy some good deli coffee. I promise it won't cost more than $1.50 and you will want to go back for more.

4. NY Bagels: Seriously, I don't know what the mystery is behind this but the bagels are just so freakin good!!!!! You can go to a local bagel shop or a deli but they will have literally every kind of bagel known into existence- egg bagel, sesame seed, poppy seed, everything, onion, and the list goes on. Toast it, ask for cream cheese or butter, and coffee. Best breakfast ever!!

5. Italian hero/sandwich:  You haven't had a hero unless you've eaten a real Italian hero from NYC. OMG the Italian bread is the best. The cold cuts are fresh and you will remember it as the best tasting sandwich or hero you've eaten in your life.

6. "Belly Bombers" AKA White Castle: So I know fast food may not be healthy but boy does it taste good. Especially after you came from a long Saturday night of drinking and dancing. Something about White Castle just lures you and then haunts you the next day. These little bite size burgers are the original sliders my friends. I know many states don't have White Castle so if you haven't tried it just do it. Sure you will probably regret it that night or the next day but it's hard to resist. Go on, just try it.

7. NY Cheesecake: The best cheesecake ever and it can be found at Juniors. Yes, it's the best. It's creamy and delicious. I like the original but there are also many others to choose from. Try Juniors in Brooklyn on Flatbush Ave or in Manhattan Times Square.

8. Warm Pretzels: If you are into the soft doughy pretzels try one in NY. They can be found on any NYC corner in Manhattan. They sell them on stands usually where the hot dogs are sold.

9. Roasted Nuts: When it's cold outside nothing is better. If you are visiting in the Winter you will smell these in the air. They have a mild sweet flavor and are served warm. Just delish especially in the colder months. They can be found at any corner stand around the city. 

10. Food Trucks: The latest trend has been the food trucks. Yeah it's hard to imagine being served from a truck but they have many selections and are stationed around the borough. Whether you are craving tacos, waffles and fried chicken, or typical cultural food (Halal, Spanish, etc) you can find it on a truck. You can ask the locals or you can just yelp it. Just make sure the reviews are good and if you can't get your hands on a review if the line is long then you can trust it!!

One of the best things about living in NYC is that it is the city that never sleeps. So no matter what time of day it is or where you are there will be something open to fulfill your craving. The food is varied and diverse. You can find something from any culture and enjoy it. So if you are ever traveling or moving out here keep this post handy. Print it, use it as your checklist or whatever but you have to try each and everyone of these classic NYC food choices.

Enjoy! Bon Appetit! Buen Provecho! ETC


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